Monday, December 18, 2006

Cricket: Sreesanth Swinging His Bat?!

Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha
Ho ho Ho ho Ho ho Ho ho Ho ho Ho ho Ho ho Ho ho
He he He he He he He he He he He he He he He he
Hu hu Hu hu Hu hu Hu hu Hu hu Hu hu Hu hu Hu hu

This is what we call 'bulbu' in my place .. Though we may not get de same excitment had we watched live, it always makes us (atleast me) feel better when ever a white guy is leg pulled by an Indian and he gets his moush sandy ;) (namba orrla, macha manna kavitan doi .. nu solra madhri ..).


Monday, October 30, 2006

Tees Tale

I have nothing much to do to work such late hours, yet iam staying back @ office bcos the picture of me sorrounded by four walls is daunting. So iam goin to stay back for atleast another half an hour. But till then what will i do, my blog to the rescue. So having decided to write i have no freakin clue what to write. So i started recollecting what all happened today, one thing did got my attention. My colegue came to office in a T-Shirt which is definetly not worth more than a 100 bucks, yet he got the attentoin of almost every female in our building. It is not for the TShirt he was wearing and certainly not for him, but for what written in his shirt.

World is a garden and Women are roses

No doubt girls got attracted to him or to be precise to his shirt. It also remembers me a saying of a great tamil philosopher,

Nallu roja
va paricha onnu kutha dhan seium :-)

For those who dont understand tamil it means when u try to pick some four roses one will definetly prick. And for those who did not understand the underneath meaning ... substitute a girl for a every rose. And the famous tamil philosopher is my friend. Iam sure dis saying will come in some printed Tees one day. Any how back to topic, iam seeing a lot many of thes printed tees in Bangalore when compared to Chennai. And one reason for it is Bangalore is having a huge youth population again to be precise a huge youth population that lives away from their family. So no one to question us and if a senior citizen from bangalore advices a girl who is wearing a shirt with
My boyfriend is out of town

written on it, the reply from the girl will be ..... hmm .... you know what. It only means it was not the day of our Charu Hasan.

Though it is fun to an extent, i feel it is crossing the limits. It is also very distracting, to be frank now my eyes starts reading
whats written on the Tees (Girls mainly .. ;-)) automatically even while iam driving. Here we have Forum .. our chennais Spencers Plaza and to be honest better maintained than our spensers. One weekend if u go to forum your head will start spinnig just not looking at the girls but also for whats written on them.

Last week @ forum i saw a guy shouting at a group of youth guys with such a rage while his terrified girl friend was pulling his arms to retreat. The reason for this small action scene was a guy from that group has shouted @ the girl 'Bitch', for that matter that was what excatly written on her shirt. The very same day i saw another girl wearing a T with 'Guess What' written on her in such a way that guys stop and keep guessing. Fortunatley nothing happened like the other one.

Matured are no exception for this i believe, doing a quick search in the net about Printed Tees i came across this worn by ppl of age 40+ :(

Some of the quotes that i remember seeing on the road and de net

I See Dumb People - Inspired by 6th sense
So many pedestrians, not enough horse-power - Inpired by psycho i believe
My way or the highway! - this is " The Matrix "
Out Of Control - A girl i saw @ sathyam chennai
Add to Shopping Cart - I loved too ;)
Vacancy - Shall i apply
I'm still a hot babe! - yet to see live, sure one day few years later our girl friends have to wear
Save The Drama For Your Mama - Yet to see ... but she must be real rude
Bite Me! - No Comments
Damn right, I'm good in bed... I can sleep for days! - Girls would keep away from this guy
My boyfriend is out of town - So my girl friend ;)
Niagara Falls ! Viagra Better - Pardon me for that bit of pornography ;)

Finally, who cares it crosses the limit or stays with in as far as u have a good time. To me, i think iam liking it.

~ Bharath C M

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


After more than a year since i was introduced to this blogger world, finally i have found time to start my own blog. Till now i was just commenting on my friends blog, at last i have made my mind to jump into action

I will not lie saying time is the only factor that was keeping me from writing blogs for that matter iam not so busy that iam not able to find 2hrs a week for a couple of posts. I have a habit since my birth, if i infer an activity bad or addictive i will never do it at anty cost. That is the reason for which i never smoke, drink and many more. I thought even yahoo chatting was addictive and was afraid it would waste my time and never till date have chat with some unknown person. I also felt Blogspot addictive cos i have seen bloggers runnig mad and vanishing writing bye bye and fairwell blogs.

I dont know this habit is good or bad, bcos offlate i have learned that "U are not good unless u know the bad". Keeping that in mind i have started experimenting things like orcut that i started very recently after a great dilemma, and now blogspot.

The place i love the most in planet earth is our Chennai .. my birth place. So i wanted to keep that a part of my url. The country i love the most next to our motherland India is USSR. It is an unconditional love i have for the country. Iam not communist or a pesron backing its principles, but i like the way ppl address their fellow ppl, "COMRADE". Comrade means a person who shares knowledge, happiness, srrow ..... be it anything with others. I feel iam one of that kind. So i added Comrade to my url.

I completed my engineering in 2004, i was 21 then and all that 21 yrs i feel i have learned lesser than what i have learned these 2 yrs, or to feel optimistic we can put it like i have learned a lot more in these 2 yrs than that i learned in the 21 yrs b4 :-) (Iam sure many of you would have felt lik that) . Especially this one yr stay in bangalore has thaught me lot. In that way iam grateful to bangalore.

I always enjoyed travelling a lot. Now i have become a very frequent traveller, iam travelling between Chennai and Bangalore atleast once in two weeks, and during those journeys iam meeting a lot of ppl and seeing a lot of things happening around me. All those expeirence's teach me some thing or the other, they come in different forms, they are funny, irritating, thought provoking, stupid, emotional and what not ..?. This blog of mine will mainly contai those incidents, but at times i may drifft from the mentioned objective bcos things always doesnt happen the way we want them to happen.

If u feel what i write is stupid or hurting please raise ur middle finger towards me and shout "SHUT THE FU** UP". I take criticisms very sportive, if u find them nice add a happy face smiley to the comments section. With that i start my blogger journey and hope to find new friends and ppl.

-- Bharath C M